Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Want To Know What a TF Lifer is???

Want To Know What a TF Lifer is???

What is a TF Lifer???

 I know you guys have been hearing me talk about being a "TF Lifer" in my daily tweets and Facebook post. Some have even asked me, “What is a TF Lifer?”

 Well first, a TF Lifer doesn’t necessarily have to be one of my scheduled clients. A Lifer can be anyone that decides to join the TF Lifer Movement.

 What movement? The movement of being Fit and Healthy! It’s not just for a season, but for LIFE.

 So many people make an annual ritual of working out and attempting to get in shape around March/April. They say, "I want to get fit for summer! I need to have a beach body!", after eating recklessly and not planning ANY physical activity during fall and winter. Working out is meant to be a lifestyle not just a trend or fad. You have to WANT to live longer, live healthier and have a holistic lifestyle. No, it isn’t easy and Yes, its an adjustment, but it is absolutely necessary, and definitely possible.

Everyday, someone dies of what most call Hereditary Disease, but I call Habitual Disease. Most diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc., can be prevented and managed by practicing better habits. Simply eating properly and doing 30–60 minutes of cardiovascular activity everyday can prevent disease. Cardiovascular activity can be walking, jogging, running, cleaning the house, washing your car, or even doing different activities with your kids.

Most people can't get to a gym or work out with a trainer, but that’s no excuse. There are plenty of fitness DVDs television programs for ALL people. Temple Fitness even has a program called “Temple Fitness On The Go” for people with busy schedules. So, living a fit and healthy life isn't as difficult as we make it. You just have to take the initiative and put YOUR life 1st. You deserve to live a life that's healthy and happy.

 Anyone that decides to join Temple Fitness is taking that 1st step in becoming a Lifer. But even if you don’t have the time to join Temple Fitness, you can attend our Boot camps and follow us on Twitter and Facebook, where we are always giving great fitness tips, and subscribe to our Blog!

Anyone can be a TF Lifer! Join the movement today!!!!!
